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& - (R) DESQview 2.xx Protected Screen Driver° - Version 3.0 (C) Saesoft 1991 -
Saesoft International, [NMS] Netherlands Message Centre
Post Office Box: 9179, Telex: Saesoft, 20010 PMS NL
3007 AD Rotterdam Holland. Telefax: Saesoft, +31 (10)4113888
Phone: +31 (10)4795892 PostBank PSTB NL 2A 5506405
PSD Version 3.07
This version of the documentation, software and copyright
supersedes all previous versions of PSD.
DESQview is a registered trademark of Quarterdeck Office Systems
MS-DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation
The Norton Utilities is a trademark of Peter Norton Computing
Use of this program acknowledges this disclaimer of warranty:
"This program is supplied as is. Saesoft disclaims all warran-
ties, express or implied, including, without limitation, the
warranties of merchantability and of fitness of this program for
any purpose. Saesoft assumes no liability for damages direct or
consequential, which may result from the use of or inability to
use this program. Even if Saesoft has been advised of the possi-
bility of such damages or any claim by any other party."
All corporate, business, government or other commercial users of
PSD must be registered at Saesoft HQ. We offer quantity discount
as well as site licensing.
Site licensing agreements allow duplication and distribution of
a specified number of copies within the licensed institution.
Duplication of multiple copies is NOT allowed except through
execution of a licensing agreement. Site license fees are based
upon the number of users using PSD. Note that with a site
license, only one copy of the program will be sent. You will be
responsible for distributing additional copies.
Note that Saesoft "Site Licenses" also provide client specified
modifications on all our products !
Please call or write, for more information.
Note: the unregistered and registered version are NOT the same.
2 - (R) DESQview 2.xx Protected Screen Driver° - Version 3.0 (C) Saesoft 1991 -
Saesoft (R) DESQview 2.xx Protected Screen Driver° - Version 3.xy
Copyright (C) Saesoft International 1983 - 1991. All rights reserved.
Usage: PSD [drive+path{<file>(.com/.exe)} [file-option(s)]]
Common information;
"Even though many programs are changed to DESQview alike aware
programs, for screen performance control, there are still many
programs that use direct screen writes, to update counters or
display there current state... we have designed a protected
screen driver for DESQview, that does not allow any direct
screen write and allows the program to be run in a small
DESQview window, without it writting all over your display"
The driver is melted with the allocated segments of the tasks
window, this is done at the first interrupt 0x21 or 0x10, some
programs tend to determine the display page in code segments not
yet provided in the first stage of initialization. (e.a. this
may cause the driver not to function with those programs, it may
even crash the current DESQview task or your computer !)
Note: the Norton Utilities 4.5 have been tested without the /D1
option, some programs tend to have a 'write via bios' function
like the norton utilities, however this function is much slower
then with the PSDriver.
Note: add 4kb to Memory Size to make room for the driver.(sample already added)
║ Change a Program ║
║ ║
║ Program Name............: Norton v4.5 NU° ║
║ ║
║ Keys to Use on Open Menu: NU Memory Size (in K): 235 ║
║ Program...: psd.com ║
║ ║
║ Parameters: \norton\nu.exe ║
║ ║
║ Directory.: \dv ║
║ Options: ║
║ Writes text directly to screen.......: [N] ║
║ Displays graphics information........: [N] ║
║ Virtualize text/graphics (Y,N,T).....: [N] ║
║ Uses serial ports (Y,N,1,2)..........: [N] ║
║ Requires floppy diskette.............: [N] ║
║ ║
║ Press F1 for advanced options Press <─┘ when you are DONE ║
3 - (R) DESQview 2.xx Protected Screen Driver° - Version 3.0 (C) Saesoft 1991 -
Try "Uses its own colors..............: [N]" if your having pro-
blems with 'out off screen color lines' when zoomed.
Even though we did everything to make the melting process run as
fast as possible, with large programs it takes some time before
the driver is melted with the program, this may or may not be
somewhat irretating for some users...
The driver works in normal text mode and in some graphics modes.
The driver works with any executeble, packed EXE, normal EXE,
COM, as long as the program loaded by the driver is the execu-
ting program and not a second loader.
You can use PSD from within a batchfile;
echo off
..........anything here..........
DESQview 2.xx Protected Screen Driver°, written in PDL-II,
Saesoft's Fastest And Most Powerfull Language In The World
For The INTEL Based (R) IBM-PC...
PSD's System Requirements;
Designed for: 8086, 8088, 80286, XT, AT based PC's.
Operating System;
PC DOS 2.0 - x.x, MS DOS 2.0 - x.x
Operating Environment;
DESQview 2.00 or higher.
PSD Overhead;
4K + Environment larger then 300 bytes.
ShareWare version; 6K + Environment larger then 300 bytes.
This includes a 512 bytes stack, 500 bytes reserved analyses
space and a main interrupt controlled screen update handler.
PSDA Overhead;
10K Maximum, containes only a logic analyser and 7K reserved
analyses space.
!!! WARNING !!!
PSD may crash the current task or your computer under certain
circumstances, this can not be determined before or while PSD is
running, there is absolutely no way to prevent such with all
programs, as each one is unique in the way it executes.
4 - (R) DESQview 2.xx Protected Screen Driver° - Version 3.0 (C) Saesoft 1991 -
If PSD works... but;
The package DVPSD???.ZIP containes the next files;
PSD.COM ................... The actual Protected Screen Driver°
PSD.DOC ................... This documentation
PSDA.COM .................. PSD Program analyser
DUMPSD.COM ................ PSD data retriever
ANPSD.BAT ................. Automaticly invokes DUMPSD after PSD
If this works "PSD C:\PATH\PROGRAM.EXE", but you like to be sure
it doesn't crash after using the program for a while, use this;
"ANPSD C:\PATH\PROGRAM.EXE" and immediatly exit the program af-
ter it runs, DUMPSD will be invoked directly after exit and will
produce a file with the name PSDATA.PSD, post this file on disk
or uuencoded via Email to us, we will let you know whether it is
save to use it, usually it is save, but there is always an
exception to be found somewhere...
If PSD works... but crashes immediatly or after a while, or if
PSD doesn't work at all;
Set "Writes text directly to screen.......: [Y]" in program set-
up and run the next "ANPSD C:\PATH\PROGRAM.EXE", you screen may
turn black, but the task or DESQview isn't crashed ! it just
look like it did, while your screen is black or isn't, exit the
program and terminate the task, pressing the next keys will re-
store your screen; R, V, 1, Enter. (DESQview restore video mode)
A file will be produced with the name PSDATA.PSD, this is the
first file you need to send us, run the next to get the second;
"PSDA C:\PATH\PROGRAM.EXE" and immediatly exit the program af-
ter it runs, PSDA will produce a file with the name ANALYSES.PSA
post these 2 files on disk to us and we will modify the driver
to work with your program.
The information produced by DUMPSD and PSDA, are data analyses
produced while PSD is/was running, this data can only be proces-
sed with our PSD Data Analyser and is not available for sale or
If you send us such files on disk, please include 5 IRC's, and a
address written or typed on a stitcher, then we will send you
the latest version a.s.a.p.
Note: the file analyses.psa may be quite large, sometimes even
more then 150K, so be sure there is plenty of free disk space.
Note2: the file psdata.psd may not always be produced.
5 - (R) DESQview 2.xx Protected Screen Driver° - Version 3.0 (C) Saesoft 1991 -
Registration of PSD entitles you to use the program for an
unlimmited periode of time, 90 days of free technical support by
(E)Mail or Phone and a low cost upgrade whenever the next ver-
sion is available, to register transfer the registration fee (in
USdollars or DFL only) to our account, DO NOT SEND CASH, OR
CHECKES, according to the table below, or an international money
order, then fill out the form and mail it to us at the following
Saesoft International,
Post Office Box: 9179,
3007 AD Rotterdam Holland.
PostBank PSTB NL 2A 5506405
As soon as we received your transfer and registration form we
will send you the disk(s), please allow a minimum of 3 weeks for
Sub-release note: if we encounter any problems with PSD, we will
solve them as soon as possible, registered users DO NOT have
to pay any fee for any sub-release related to a problem.
PSD is a commercial product of Saesoft International and may
NOT be sold, changed, modified in any way known or unknown,
without written permission from Saesoft, applying to the
executable(s), documentation and sub-related files or programs.
6 - (R) DESQview 2.xx Protected Screen Driver° - Version 3.0 (C) Saesoft 1991 -
Commercial site license for the use of PSD.
(All values include 18.5% tax rate, shipping & handling are free of charge.)
(For the use on one computer system only.)
* Diskette with program and documentation file ........ $30. ______
* Holland only value in DFL ........................... F45. ______
(Includes one diskette with program & documentation file.)
2 to 9 computers .. at $20 F39 each # computers ___x __ ______
10 to 24 computers .. at $16 F32 each # computers ___x __ ______
25 to 49 computers .. at $13 F26 each # computers ___x __ ______
50 to 99 computers .. at $10 F20 each # computers ___x __ ______
100 or more computers .. $1000 F1895 one time fee ______
Diskette format (choose one) 5.25" disk ____ 3.5" disk ____
Name: ________________________________________________________________
Company (ONLY if company address):____________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________
: _____________________________________________________________
: _____________________________________________________________
Voice Day Phone: ______________________ Evening: _____________________
Email (if available):_________________________________________________
This license is not necessary for clubs or user groups distributing the
SHAREWARE version on a SHAREWARE basis, providing that the entire DVPSD???.ZIP
package with accompanying files is included in the distribution, and no more
than a nominal fee (not to exceed $5) is charged for such distribution.
7 - (R) DESQview 2.xx Protected Screen Driver° - Version 3.0 (C) Saesoft 1991 -
PSD History;
v3.01 + Incorporated the 'noFF' into one of the handlers, note,
the driver does NOT force the program to be multi task
aware ! use the 'TAME-RES' utility to do so.
v3.02 + Added more support to prevent screen blanking if PSD
doesn't work.
+ Changed to way of melting, seems that some programs tend
to distroy there own PSP...
? Note, if a program defaults to color PSD doesn't work on
monochroom, the same in reverse.
v3.03 + Added support for overlay techniques and screen control,
(ea. kerry's account program).
+ Finally managed to get rid of the flashing mouse pointer
it slows loading the program a bit, due to a mouse acti-
ve test which takes a bit of time (OS problem) at PSD
? Note, the mouse pointer may disappear at some times, not
a problem though, simply has to do with screen updates.
v3.04 + Now assuming no mouse used or installed, the desqview
mouse cursor will be in control until the program
utilizes the mouse driver, then the same as before, use
the 'nomouse' utility to get rid of an unwanted pointer.
- Removed the mouse active test and added a mouse watchdog
v3.05 + Added support to stop updating the virtual screen after
termination of the driver. (stops the flashing after...)
v3.06 + After many requests, removed the time limmit on the
unregistered version, but put something else in there...
+ Added a bit more support towards mouse usage.
+ Multiple code enhancements.
v3.07 + Solved a possible problem with the melting process.
(yes we do change things if we believe they might cause
problems, we don't wait untill they do, if we know...)
& - (R) DESQview 2.xx Protected Screen Driver° - Version 3.0 (C) Saesoft 1991 -
Saesoft International, [NMS] Netherlands Message Centre
Post Office Box: 9179, Telex: Saesoft, 20010 PMS NL
3007 AD Rotterdam Holland. Telefax: Saesoft, +31 (10)4113888
Phone: +31 (10)4795892 PostBank PSTB NL 2A 5506405
SAESOFT INT., Box 9179 3007 AD
Speed And Efficiency SOFTware & Lastware
Copyright (C) Saesoft Int., 1983 - 1991
Saesoft International is registered at the chamber of commerce in Rotterdam at
the number 149200, Saesoft is a trademark and productivity name of blue eye
productions international.